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Belloh's Blog

Reclaimed spaces

For the past 18 years, my mornings have transformed into sacred rituals born out of necessity and the spirit of invention. These rituals commence with long showers that symbolize a baptism into the freshness of a new day, followed by yoga meditation that harmonizes my body and spirit, setting a serene tone. The act of writing down my thoughts and feelings in my gratitude and discovery journals further anchors these rituals, serving as a cornerstone of my morning routine. Whenever I engage in this practice of writing, it feels akin to "emptying my head," thereby creating new, unoccupied spaces ripe for creativity. These journals have become my faithful companions, chronicling my journey through self-healing, discovery, empowerment, and transformation.

It was during one such reflective morning in January 2023 that the foundation for my book, "Reclaimed Spaces: Cultivating a Calm Mind, Unlimited Abundance, and Good Health on the Journey of Inner Transformation," was laid. This morning was marked by an attempt to rearrange the furniture in my bedroom, leading to a confrontation with tangible obstacles: a closet that was too heavy and stubborn to move and a large king-sized bed that remained immovable. This struggle served as a powerful metaphor, reminiscent of the challenges we often face in life, especially when attempting something for the first time. The urge to quit in the face of setbacks is a common human experience. However, this metaphorical struggle with rearranging my bedroom served as a stark reminder that before we can confront the larger obstacles in our lives, we must first address the burdens we carry within.

The act of decluttering transcended its physical aspects, evolving into a metaphor for clearing away the mental and emotional clutter that holds us back. Piece by piece, decluttering my closet mirrored the process of mental and emotional cleansing, paving the way for new inspirations and energies. This moment was not only pivotal in my day but also instrumental in shaping my philosophy and the essence of my book, "Reclaimed Spaces."

In my work, I intertwine the strands of my professional journey with personal growth, emphasizing the necessity of lightening our loads to make room for new possibilities. As a self-employed social worker with a master's degree, my mission extends to offering a comforting hand to children in the transient sanctuary of foster care, guiding them towards environments that not only provide shelter but also nurture their dreams. These genuine experiences form the bedrock of my writing, making this work not just a collection of pages, but a mosaic of lives touched, challenges surmounted, and reclaimed inner spaces.

I invite you to join me on this transformative journey. Together, we will explore how the spaces we inhabit—both physically and emotionally—can become sanctuaries of peace, abundance, and health. It is a path marked by mindful change, where each step taken and every obstacle overcome brings us closer to reclaiming the profound potential within our lives. Thank you for being here. I look forward to embarking on this journey with you, as we navigate the spaces and stories that shape us.